Saturday, August 23, 2003

So, today. First let me say, I'm drunk off my ass. So I'm trying to spell correctly, but not having too much luck.

Okay. Friday night. Went to see Boys Life 4 over at the Quad. Generally sucked.

Saturday. Woke up early and went to Freaky Friday. Fucking brilliant. Loved it. Cried during the big reconciliation scene. Nice. I want to marry Jamie Lee Curtis when I turn straight.

After that . . . went to Farmers' Market and bought food. Then went to the Boot Camp drink up. Seemed to have had a good time since I'm drunk and not overly maudlin. But will point out I neither had anyone to go to the movies with nor did I get laid after the event.

Be that as it may.

After the drink up, Brian and I went to see Freaky Friday again. He loved it. I loved it and I still cried.

So now I'm going to bed and tomorrow I'm going to the Youth Rugby Day.

Oh, and I seem to have hurt my hand during a fight with a mailbox. That will teach me to fight inanimate objects while drunk.

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