Your questions answered.
From Brian
1. If you could be any kind of salad dressing, what would you be and why?
I would be red wine vinaigrette. Light, subtle, doesn't overwhelm, with a certain tart tanginess.
2. Where's the weirdest place you had sex and without getting too crass...what happened?
In a Sunday school room at church (sorry if this lowers anyone's opinion of me . . . assuming that is even possible). As for what happened, that's a story for another time, suffice it to say that a truth or dare game got out of hand. Which is exactly what you expect when you play truth or dare with another boy.
3. Kumquats or plethora -- which word sounds funnier to you and why.
Kumquats. Because a 'kw' sound if extremely funny in the middle of a word. That is why Aquaman is inherently funnier that any of the other Superfriends. Plus, the mother of a friend of mine once accidentally asked a stockboy if his store sold 'kumtwats'. She immediately realized what she said, blushed, turned around and never went back to that store again.
From Sherry
1. if you could be a world expert on anything, what would it be?
Two of my odd little passions are ethnobotany and theatre history. Of the two, I'd love to be a world expert on theatre history.
2. what is the most embarrassing article of clothing you own?
There are a couple. My most embarrassing article is probably my compression shorts that I wear under my rugby shorts when I play. They are great, comfortable, keep all the naughty bits where they're supposed to be, but they are also skin-tight and leave absolutely nothing to the imagination.
The other article of clothing would be a Jiffi Condom t-shirt that was an impulse buy when I was in London studying for a summer. If memory serves (I don't think I've ever worn it), it reads "Jiffi Brand Condoms" on the front and the back reads "Don't be daft, don't be silly, wear a Jiffi on your willy" . . . or words to that effect. And I'm not sure if it's 'willy' or 'willie'.
For the record, I will not be wearing that while I'm in London.
3. how many people have you snogged?
Hmmm. More than I should have and fewer than I wish. Truth is, that is one of my favorite activities, though many gay men consider it to be something that should be rushed through in order to get to the 'good stuff.'
From The Other Brian
1. What do you like best about your life?
It's a two-edged sword, but I guess what I like best is that I've always had an easy life. I've never really been deprived. There has always been enough money. No great losses. School was never much work. Jobs have been fairly easy to come by and haven't been horrible. My friends and family are generally good people.
The down side to all of this is a lack of motivation. I've known people who've really been deprived and have worked their asses off to make up for it. They usually wind up being very successful people. Would I have been like that if I'd had to work harder for what I've gotten?
2. What do you like least about your life?
I'm not really happy. There are times when I'm more or less content. Sometimes there are fleeting moments of joy. But most of the time I feel like I'm existing rather than living.
3. Do you judge others by higher or lower standards than you use to judge yourself?
Lower standards than I use to judge myself, but I have impossibly high standards for myself (at least that's what my shrink was always harping on). Even if the standards are lower for others than for myself, they are probably unfairly high.
1 day ago