I suppose I could also mention the song that is currently stuck in my head. "I Want to Be Happy." This treacly little song was from a 1925 musical called No No Nanette which was, like most musicals from this time, a little piece of fluff.
Now here's the odd thing. I saw a Joshua Sobol play/musical in London . . . must have been back in 1989 . . . called Ghetto. It was about a group of performers in the Vilna ghetto during WWII. It was a disturbing show with an amazing cast; it's worth reading if you can find a copy of the play.
Anyway, there was a Nazi commandant, very mercurial: friendly and playing with the musicians one second, killing people at random the next. And he sang a little bit of this song to one of the Jewish guards in the ghetto, "I want to be happy, but I won't be happy, till I make you happy, too." This was especially creepy since it was after he had done something monstrous like ordering a certain number of children or old people to be killed. I just remember the character of the guard cringing while this man sang that little snippet and then being forced to smile at him.
Needless to say, I've never been able to hear the song and think of anything other than evil singing Nazis.
Which leads me to this, there is some commercial now which uses as jazzy version of the song. Sounds like Ella singing. I think it's for some sort of make up or whatever. Either way, it always makes me cringe when it comes on.
1 day ago
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