As you may have read, a Virginia based anti-gay group has decided to oppose Bush's nomination of John Roberts for the Supreme Court because he once assisted on a pro-gay legal matter.
Other uber-conservative, anti-gay groups haven't jumped on the bandwagon, because they know that they can't bite the hand that ever-so-generously feeds them.
That's where you come in.
If you have a minute, click here to send an e-mail to the AFA site (Donald Wildmon's odious little group of gay bashers). Basically, just send a little note asking Donald why he has turned his back on Jesus and all things decent to support the pro-homosexual lobby that wants to get John Roberts on the Supreme Court. And you should add (as the fundies often do), that you are praying that Donald returns to Jesus and that you forgive him for having become a tool (tee hee) for the anti-family homosexuals who are trying to deliver America to Satan/Osama/Sadam/France.
Now mind you, I don't really care that much about John Roberts. I'm just curious to see what Don Wildmon will do if he starts getting called pro-gay. And a tool.
If you do send an e-mail to Don, you'll probably get stuck on the AFA e-mail list, but those things are fun to read. Not as fun as the batshit crazy e-mails I used to get from Alan Keyes' campaign, but fun nonetheless.
1 day ago
Just passing through, I'm liking the blog by the way.
Oh I LOVE this. Though I don't know if I can top alan's letter. Hm...
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