Tuesday, September 21, 2004


Compassionate Conservative Quote of the Day
I'm trying to find the correct name for it … this utter absolute, asinine, idiotic stupidity of men marrying men. … I've never seen a man in my life I wanted to marry. And I'm gonna be blunt and plain; if one ever looks at me like that, I'm gonna kill him and tell God he died.
- Former Televangelist and Prostitute Hound Jimmy Swaggart

When the fundamentalists say "love the sinner, hate the sin," they're really imagining cattle cars and crematoria. After all, what better way to save the sinner than by making sure he can never sin again?


Anonymous said...

Right well I have never found a woman I want to marry. But that does not mean if a woman wants to marry me I am going to kill her. Nor would I ever even consider that is even close to the correct course of action.

What an ass. And they say we are ruining society.


Homer said...

Maybe Jimmy needs to meet and marry a foot-long dildo.

Robert said...

Ugh, did you see the video clip? I just saw it last night and it burns me everytime I see his friggin' face!!!

Hate is taught, and he has no shame of doing it!

jwer said...

Something tells me that The Reverend Jim already has a dirty secret relationship with The Reverend Foot-Long Dildo... straight men don't often compulsively rent sex or declaim gay men's hypothetical interest in them... actually, as I write that, I realize that it's a total lie; make that non-homophobic straight men don't...

Michael Vernon said...

Poor Jimmy. That statement most certainly does NOT represent the true spirit of biblical teaching. Why couldn't he be more like his cousin, Jerry Lee Lewis?

jwer said...

No kidding; I mean, sure, you want to ignore one of the more obvious commandments, OK, but did you miss the part about God being omniscient? He's not real likely to fall for: "he walked into a door... um, really hard." Christ, even _I_ know that, and God and I haven't talked since he borrowed my lawnmower and never returned it...