Taken from Crisafer and FARB.
eXpressive: 3/10
Practical: 3/10
Physical: 3/10
Giver: 3/10
You are a RSIT--Reserved Sentimental Intellectual Taker. This makes you a Archetypal Older Child.
You are a hard nut to crack. You have a wicked sense of humor. Despite your reserved nature, you are more comfortable (and successful) in the meeting and courting mode than you are in a long term relationship. You feel misunderstood, and usually you are. When you're in a good mood, you're funny, fascinating and a sexy firecracker, but when you're in a bad mood you are moody, broody and impatient. In courtship mode, you don't have to let anyone see your moody side. If you had your way, even in a long term relationship you would have enough time apart to deal with your bad moods yourself; unfortunately, it rarely works that way. You stifle *a lot* of anger and frustration -- from all areas of your life -- so when it comes out it comes out nasty.
More than any other type, your conflicts tend to turn on one tiny thing -- the dishes, the laundry -- that's really a scapegoat for your larger dissatisfactions with your relationship. You're baffled that your partner just can't do the dishes -- your partner is baffled that it's such a big deal. The only way around it is to let the dishes go entirely and try to get at the real root of what's bothering you. I'm making you sound like a bear, but the fact is that you're so warm and charming most of the time that it effectively offsets the times you're unhappy.
You will make a weirdly good parent.
Don't pair up with someone who'll make sexual demands of you. That's just not going to fly at all.
Of the 2609 people who have taken this quiz, 2.7 % are this type.
Take the Quiz: 20 Questions to a Better Relationship
1 day ago
Hey, I always thought you were a weirdly good Daddy.
And I always thought you had a huge . . . um, I'll save that comment for later.
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