Yea!!!! I can finally update. I've been having some serious Blogger issues recently, but they seem to be resolved. At least for now.
So here was the list of fabulous things I've been up to.
Saturday: Toby (our rugby club president) turned . . . I don't know, 50 or so . . . and to celebrate, had his birthday party at a karaoke bar in the East Village. Despite the fact that there was a bachelorette party and that most of the people had voices similar to Yoko Ono, a good time was had by all. After hearing more of my teammates sing than I ever want to again, we retired to the Phoenix for drinks.
Sunday: Birthday eve. Marie's Crisis. Drank a rum and coke or two. Sang a few (dozen) show tunes. Drooled all over myself when a beautiful boy (currently in the cast of Movin' Out) showed up and started singing. Tried to get to beautiful boy by inviting his female friend (hate the term 'fag hag') to come join the rugby boys and sing and drink. She did. He followed. *sigh* Later I began to realize that I was asking the pianist to play songs that he'd already played a few minutes before. I also noticed that my speech was beginning to sound less like slight Texas drawl and more like a stroke victim. I decided that it was probably time to head home. By the grace of God (and thanks to my friend Dino who saw me safely home) I made it to my apartment where I managed to strip off most of my clothing before passing out.
Monday: Woke up. Called in sick. Puked. Repeatedly. Slept. Met David O. for coffee at Rita's. Went to my Steak Frites dinner with Stuff, David, and his boyfriend, Rob. Ate way too much (mussels, steak, and fries). Wanted a port, but my stomach gave me an unequivocal no. The waitress brought me a scoop of ice cream with a candle in it and, fortunately, no one sang me 'Happy Birthday'.
In fact, my mom was the only one who sang me 'Happy Birthday' this year. She sang it on a message on my office voicemail, on my cell phone, and on my home answering machine. She also sang it today when she finally reached me (we played phone tag for days).
Tuesday: Work. David O.'s holiday party. Lovely time surrounded by my rugby friends and lots of the 'beautiful people'. Horribly intimidating. Eventually, only the ruggers remained. We're always the last to leave a party.
Today: Work.
Tonight: Rugby end-of-season banquet, featuring officer elections (I'm running for president), Thai food (we have the whole restaurant to ourselves), a gazillion awards, and the world-famous Kangaroo Court. I'll be serving as the defense attorney for this one. Can't wait.
Well, that's it for now. Let's see if this entry actually posts.
1 day ago
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