Wednesday, November 19, 2003

Quiet day, it seems. Few comments. Few updates on the other blogs.

Am I the only one not doing jack shit at work?


I guess this means I have to tackle that huge fucking pile of paper on my desk.

I've also got a bunch of friends to call. Lots of people leaving me messages over the last week. Nothing pressing; just wanting to catch up. Funny thing is, when I'm down like I have been, the last thing I want to do is talk to anyone. It's just too much of a chore to act like I'm happy when I'm not and I don't want to burden my friends with my problems.

So now they just think I'm a dick for not calling them back.

Eh bien, what can you do?

Well, time to make the donuts . . . so to speak.

I imagine this is what Purgatory will be like.

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