Last night was the Lambda Literary Awards. Awesome!
Rob won his category. Woo hoo! From Famous Author Rob Byrnes to Famous Award Winning Author Rob Byrnes (FAWARB).
Sadly, I don't have time to write about everything. Highlights were meeting Tim and Becky and having my photo taken with Christopher Rice, who is remarkably gracious about such things.
Lowlights, well there was only one. When I met the wonderful Alison Bechdel (author of the Dykes to Watch Out For comic strip), I meant to say that I've been reading her comics for years. What I actually said was I grew up reading her comics. Which I suppose implied that she's old. Which she's not (she's about 8 years older than me).
I wish my brain and mouth didn't function independent of each other. Bother.
Anyway, fun time had. More details later.
1 day ago
Ah, yes, isn't that a wonderful feeling? I've done such things, meaning to say something nice and kicking myself later for having screwed it up.
Don't worry. She probably didn't analyze the compliment!
Congrats on the job situation!
As for what you said to Bechdel, maybe you were thinking of FARB when you said that? Zod knows how old HE really is! to hide before he reads that.
great blog name.
I loved meeting you. Got the photo of you and Christopher Rice on my LJ. And I want to hear more about your job, if you can blog about it. If not, you can always e-mail. =)
I'm glad we finally got to meet you. =)
I hear lesbians are very forgiving...
lol - I'm sure she didn't take offense...
One day, Crash will post again!
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