I've got to get back in the habit of writing on this thing.
I've been seeing the trainer for a few weeks now. Totally kicking my ass, but I feel great.
Work has been hella busy (as the kids probably no longer say).
I've seen a ton of plays, including one today that was probably one of the worst pieces of theatre I have ever seen in my entire life. The script was a mess, the directing, practically nonexistant, and the acting . . . let's just say that these folks have a bright career in table waiting to look forward to (okay, that's a little unfair, most of the actors' problems can be blamed on the director). On the up side, I've also seen some really good plays, including a wonderful production of Vampire Lesbians of Sodom at a small theatre in Long Island City.
I've been to some good parties (going away for one friend, and a birthday for another). I went to brunch with Patrick, Jase, Brian and Charles, which was terrific.
I guess what it boils down to is that I have been living a fairly full life of late, and that has left me little time to write about it. So yea me, I guess.